Show on the Road

Cast and Band Profiles

On the Road with Texas Comedies

  • Josh Meindertsma

    Josh is a natural with the crowd. A world traveler who lives almost rent-free, he flies in from LA where he has a “pilot in the works.”

  • Rachel Pallante

    Rachel is perhaps the zaniest performer in the group, and makes an “impression” in every town. Rachel produces her own OTT videos, and yes, she was on Breaking Bad!

  • Phil Rodriguez

    Phil is a natural born salesman - charismatic on-stage and off. He leads dances, finds the best bars, and insists on his own dressing room.

  • Kelsey Kimble

    Kelsey is a Renaissance fair fan, a Harry Potter “instructor,” and actor. She once almost vaporized the cast when driving, and shoplifted for a good cause.

  • Greg Pracht

    Greg is the sometimes-stoned rock drummer who finds himself touring with a crowd of theater kids. Master of ju-jitsu, he’s the muscle when things things “go south.”

  • Megan Ortiz

    Megan Ortiz is our choreographer and sometimes “guest star” performer. She’s sometimes afraid to tour because it’s “too much fun.” She studied at the American Musical and Dramatics Academy in New York.

  • Dan Dalbout

    Dan is crazed onstage but grumpy behind the wheel. He loves to drive, find desolate hotels with empty swimming pools and hates to wait for people at gas stations.

  • John Cecil

    When John isn’t directing and playing guitar for the band, he’s booking shows, loading gear and trying to get them paid.

Show on the Road

Across Texas and behind the scenes with an oddball performing group.

30 Minute Unscripted Series

Nine actors and musicians in a van traveling the state with original rock Texas-based musical comedies in a crazy variety of venues.


In each episode, they go to a new town, encounter a new crisis, and perform an on-camera musical comedy number. We imagine like the show “Cheer” meets “Waiting for Guffman.”


  • Busted in Goldthwaite: Setting up in a big church hall, while next door two actors break into a ramshackle house they thought was abandoned.

  • Mullets: In Fort Worth, competing for audience with the National Mullet Contest and re-enactors with live ammo.

  • Snatched: After what we thought was a good show in Carthage, we’re taken to a mysterious compound near the Louisiana border.


From veteran actors to college kids.  An LA import with a mysterious pilot in the works, a kleptomaniac, the OTT actress with a suitcase full of makeup, the harried director, the stoned drummer, the more in each episode.


These small towns are characters in the show. Dedicated city managers and theatre operators. Enthusiastic audience members, who want to get on stage or loan us real guns for props. We’re always finding common ground, beyond politics or preconceptions.